Frequently Asked Question

How do I use the Virtual Tax Partner (VtaxP) service?
Last Updated 3 months ago

Getting started

Step 1. Set up an account:

Click on VtaxP

This takes your to the online Virtual Tax Partner VtaxP support portal.

Click on the blue box ‘Open a new ticket’.

On the next screen, where it says ‘Not yet registered?’ click on ‘Create an account’.

Enter your details.

You can upload a copy of your passport etc later if you do not have that to hand ( we have to run through some anti-money laundering checks with you).

You create a Password and then enter it again to confirm it to register on our VtaxP portal

The VtaxP system then sends you an email to the address you entered (check your spam if it does not arrive).

Please follow the link in the email to confirm your account. This takes you back to the VtaxP landing page.

Now Open a ticket (click the blue box again) on the next screen you can now SIGN IN.

Once you are signed in you can open a new ticket.

Step 2. Post your query and sign up for an account.

Step 3. We respond

Once we receive your query, we assign it to the one of us who has the most relevant experience to deal with your problem and we then provide you with an estimate or quote to answer the query.

Step 4. You confirm the fee or basis of charging.

Step 5. VtaxP commences work on your problem.


  • The Virtual Tax Partner "VtaxP" portal is provided by Ross Martin Tax Consultancy Limited, Company no. 03497104, Registered in England & Wales. Registered in England & Wales with registered office: TS4, Pinewood Business Park, Coleshill Road, Birmingham B37 7HG
  • For legal reasons, VtaxP is a completely independent business to the website, although some of the VtaxP consultants also contribute to latter's content.
  • You are asked to raise your queries via the VtaxP secure portal, in writing. This is not a telephone helpline. Once queries are raised they are allocated to the most suitable adviser.

Anti-money laundering & Terms 

  • You will be asked to provide proof of ID before the VtaxP service can provide you with any advice.
  • You must read and agree to the T & Cs: these set out the working agreement between us and basis of charging.
  • We have make ID checks according to the Anti-Money Laundering regulations. If you have not done so previously, we require you to provide a copy of ID and sufficient information to allow us to perform due diligence and risk assessment of your firm. If you are an accountant, not that accountants are now 'high risk' in terms of AML. You can obtain verified ID via a post office, however we may also be able to check you in other ways.
  • If you are a professional firm we will need to have your firm's professional registration number as well as proof of ID of the individual asking the question, and details of the beneficial ownership of any company. We have on-going obligations to risk assess professional firms.

Basis of charging

We provide an estimate or quote based on the nature and complexity of the query. 

Subscribers to the service receive a discount of approximately 25% on charges.

Complicated queries may require substantial research, and if we are required to read through a lot of information we may provide an initial estimate to allow us to read through that information prior to being able to quote.

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